So what have we been up to lately? Our portfolio is ever expanding so here we list some of our most recent projects. This Latest News page is regularly updated so be sure to check in once in a while and see what we've been working on...

THINK RIGHTS is a brand new initiative created to inspire young people to look at human rights issues through the lens of popular culture. We have just completed the branding for the enterprise and are currently working on the website and material for workshops. |

Be it big or small, we love the projects we work on. And quite often it's the smaller ones that are the most fun. We were recently asked by the beekeepers' association to create new branding for the group and for their produce - here's what we came up with. |

Self help books are just as popular as they've ever been. We were commissioned to design a practical workbook to promote wellbeing in pregnancy. Along with sound advice for mothers-to-be, the book needed to convey a bright, positive mood. |